The CMU Scientist in Residence Lecture Series
2024 Scientist in Residence | Dr. Allyson Menzies
Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary
Honouring the Past, Safeguarding the Future: Prioritizing Indigenous Knowledge in Wildlife Conservation
In response to widespread concerns related to declining moose populations in Manitoba and Ontario, Dr. Allyson Menzies participated as part of a research team that developed a number of Indigenous-led moose monitoring programs. This initiative—in partnership between Indigenous and non-Indigenous environmental professionals—gathered information on moose in a way that weaves Indigenous Knowledge and Western science in a respectful manner.
In her presentation, Menzies will:
- describe values and teachings that guide Indigenous relationships to the natural world, and how they can be applied to environmental research,
- provide tangible example of a community-led moose monitoring program that uplifts Indigenous Knowledge and values to document change in moose populations over time.
Throughout, Menzies will emphasize the critical link between people and place, the need for cross-cultural understanding and relationship building, and how both of these lead to environmental practices that rooted in shared values like respect, reciprocity, and the desire for a healthy environment.
About Dr. Allyson Menzies
Dr. Allyson (Ally) Menzies is of mixed Red River Métis and Settler descent, from across Treaty 1 and 2 territory and the homeland of the Métis Nation. She studied hibernation physiology of cave-dwelling bats for her MSc, and winter physiology and behaviour of red squirrels, snowshoe hares, and Canada lynx in the Yukon for her PhD. Menzies’s postdoctoral work aimed to identify the Indigenous values that need to be better prioritized in wildlife monitoring and research, and to determine which methodologies and approaches are most effective at doing so. She is starting as an Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of Calgary in March 2024, where she will continue to work on developing approaches to environmental research, monitoring, and management that truly respect Indigenous rights and knowledge systems to create a path forward for conservation science that is rooted in mutual respect, reciprocity, and reconciliation.
Student Forums
CMU Chapel (600 Shaftesbury Blvd.)
Wednesday, January 31
Dr. Menzies will narrate her journey from aspiring med student to a leader in integrating Indigenous Knowledge systems in wildlife conservation. This talk highlights personal growth and the value of authenticity in scientific careers. Bring your career path questions and be prepared to share your own stories.
Thursday, February 1
For this panel discussion Ally will be joined by her sister, lawyer, and CMU volleyball coach Jayme Menzies, as well as CMU student Katrina Lengsavath. They will reflect on the challenges and lessons learned in fostering diversity in higher education, law, and sport. Their stories offer insights and actionable steps for individuals and institutions to nurture truly inclusive environments.
Public Lecture
Wednesday, January 31
7:00–8:30 PM
Marpeck Commons (2299 Grant Ave.)
– watch the public lecture livestream here on January 31 –
2023 Scientist in Residence | Dr. Francis Su
Dr. Francis Su is the Benediktsson-Karwa Professor of Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College and former president of the Mathematical Association of America. In 2013, he received the Haimo Award, a nationwide teaching prize for college math faculty, and in 2018 he won the Halmos-Ford writing award. His research in geometric combinatorics includes many papers co-authored with undergraduates.
Su's work has been featured in Quanta Magazine, Wired, and the New York Times. His book Mathematics for Human Flourishing (2020), winner of the 2021 Euler Book Prize, offers an inclusive vision of what math is, who it's for, and why anyone should learn it.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Mathematics and the Sciences: Challenges and Opportunities
Thursday, February 2 | Forum
11:30 AM, CMU Chapel (600 Shaftesbury Blvd.)
In 2020, I co-authored a report for the American Mathematical Society on the history of racial discrimination in the mathematical sciences. I'll share some of the lessons learned from this report, and discuss why equity diversity and inclusion is important to mathematics and the sciences, and what we can do to move towards making STEM spaces more just, where the dignity of each human being is valued.
Mathematics for Human Flourishing
Thursday, February 2 | Public Lecture
7:00 PM, Marpeck Commons (2299 Grant Ave.)
How can mathematics connect to our deepest human longings, such as for beauty, truth, or justice? This isn't the experience most have with math, but it can be. Math is a deeply human enterprise that when properly engaged, builds virtues like persistence, creativity, and an expectation of enchantment. Such virtues will serve you well no matter what you do in life. An incarcerated man—now my friend—has helped me see this more clearly than ever before.
Can Mathematics be Spiritual?
Chapel, Friday February 3 | Chapel
11:30 AM, CMU Chapel (600 Shaftesbury Blvd.)
A mathematical attitude of mind is surprisingly similar to a religious attitude of mind, and offers a bridge of understanding to those who aren't yet in either frame of mind.
2021 and 2022 CMU Scientist in Residence
The 2021 and 2022 Scientist in Residence lectures were cancelled due to COVID-19.
2020 CMU Scientist in Residence | Dr. Deborah Haarsma
Dr. Deborah Haarsma is President of BioLogos. She is a frequent speaker on modern science and Christian faith at research universities, churches, and public venues like the National Press Club. Her work appears in several recent books, including Four Views on Creation, Evolution, and Design and Christ and the Created Order. She wrote the book Origins with her husband and fellow physicist, Loren Haarsma, presenting the agreements and disagreements among Christians regarding the history of life and the universe. She edited the anthology Delight in Creation: Scientists Share Their Work with the Church with Rev. Scott Hoezee. Previously, Haarsma served as professor and chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Calvin College. She is an experienced research scientist, with several publications in the Astrophysical Journal and the Astronomical Journal on extragalactic astronomy and cosmology. She has studied large galaxies, galaxy clusters, the curvature of space, and the expansion of the universe using telescopes around the world and in orbit. Haarsma completed her doctoral work in astrophysics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and her undergraduate work in physics and music at Bethel University. She and Loren enjoy science fiction and classical music, and live in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
"The Universe Declares the Glory of God"
Monday, February 3 | Chapel
11:30 AM, CMU Chapel (600 Shaftesbury Blvd.)
Dr. Haarsma shares her scientific and spiritual journey. When viewed through the lens of biblical faith, the universe reveals God's beauty, faithfulness, and creativity.
"What Would Life Beyond Earth Mean for Christians?"
Wednesday, February 5 | Forum
11:30 AM, CMU Chapel (600 Shaftesbury Blvd.)
Astronomers have now discovered thousands of planets in orbit around other stars. We may soon be able to detect whether those planets contain living things. But will that life be intelligent? Will we be able to communicate with it? What would such discoveries mean for Christian theology?
"God and the Multiverse"
Wednesday, February 5 | Public Lecture;
7:00 PM, Marpeck Commons (2299 Grant Ave.)
The last century has transformed our understanding of the cosmos. We now know that the universe began 13.8 billion years ago in a Big Bang and that it continues to expand at an ever-increasing rate. We marvel at the evidence of physical laws fine-tuned for life. New research hints that our universe may be part of a much bigger multiverse of imagination-staggering immensity. Dr. Haarsma will lead a fascinating tour of the cosmos and discuss the implications of recent discoveries for our understanding of scripture, of God, and of ourselves.
2019 CMU Scientist in Residence | Dr. Dennis R. Venema
Dr. Dennis R. Venema (PhD, University of British Columbia) is Professor of Biology at Trinity Western University (Langley, British Columbia, Canada). He is co-author, with theologian Scot McKnight, of Adam and the Genome: Reading Scripture after Genetic Science (Brazos, 2017).
From 2011 to 2018 Venema was Fellow of Biology for the BioLogos Foundation.
His research is focused on the genetics of pattern formation and signaling using the common fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism.
Venema is a gifted thinker and writer on matters of science and faith, but also an award-winning biology teacher—he won the 2008 College Biology Teaching Award from the National Association of Biology Teachers.
Venema and his family enjoy numerous outdoor activities that the Canadian Pacific coast region has to offer. He writes and speaks frequently on evolution and Christian faith.
[ news release ]
Dr. Venema's Scientist in Residence speaking engagements:
All events are free and open to the public
Monday, February 4 | Student Forum
11:30 AM, CMU Chapel (600 Shaftesbury Blvd.)
Adam, Eve, and Evolution: Navigating the Issues
Evangelicals are in the midst of a spirited debate about Adam and evolution. Do we share ancestry with other forms of life? Do all humans descend from a specially-created couple? How do Christians who accept evolutionary biology harmonize their faith with the findings of science?
Tuesday, February 5 | Chapel
11:30 AM, CMU Chapel (600 Shaftesbury Blvd.)
Loving God with our Hearts, Souls, and Minds
Christianity has a long history of studying creation as an act of worship, and the Christian conviction that nature is ordered by God was a significant factor in the development of modern science. As believers, how can we honour God in the present day as we explore His creation?
Wednesday, February 6 | Public Lecture
7:00 PM, Marpeck Commons (2299 Grant Ave.)
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made? Adam, Eve, and Evolution
Christians hold that God is the Creator, and that he brought the world and life into being as an intentional act of design. Modern genomics strongly supports the hypothesis that random mutation and natural selection are a key part of evolution, including for humans. Are these claims at odds with one another? Is it possible to view evolution as a form of design?
2018 CMU Scientist in Residence | Dr. Rick Lindroth
Rick Lindroth (PhD, University of Illinois-Urbana) is a Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Ecology and recent Associate Dean for Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA). His research focuses on evolutionary ecology and global change ecology in forest ecosystems. He and his students have published ~200 peer-reviewed scientific articles and book chapters. Lindroth has been a Fulbright Fellow and is a Fellow of the Ecological Society of America, the Entomological Society of America, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Lindroth has served in numerous roles at his church, including many years on the governing board. He and his wife have two married daughters and two grandsons. For recreation, they enjoy road cycling, fly fishing, and reading—though not necessarily in that order.
[ CMU News release ]
Dr. Lindroth's Scientist in Residence speaking engagements:
Monday, January 29 | Student Forum
11:30 AM, CMU Chapel (600 Shaftesbury Blvd.)
Two Degrees of Separation: Climate Change and the Christian Challenge
Climate change is arguably the most important, and most polarizing, scientific issue of the 21st century. The "debate" is nonexistent in science, but heated within political and even religious circles. What does science know to be true about climate change, how serious is it, and how should Christians, as bearers of truth and stewards of the planet, respond?
Tuesday, January 30 | Chapel
11:30 AM, CMU Chapel (600 Shaftesbury Blvd.)
Life at the Intersection of Science and Faith: A Biologist's Story
The relationship of science to faith is widely perceived as one of conflict and incompatibility. Yet, as evidenced by Israelite King David and Psalm 19, the people of God have long recognized a rich complementarity between the study of God's book and God's creation. Lindroth will reflect on how, over a 30-year career, his perspectives and approaches toward science and faith have enriched and enhanced each other.
Tuesday, January 30 | Public Lecture
7:00 PM, Marpeck Commons (2299 Grant Ave.)
Science as a Way of Knowing: the Pursuit of Truth in a Post-Truth World
More than any other arena of human endeavour over the last century, science has revealed the true nature of how the world works, and has fostered technologies that have transformed civilization. Yet now, in a world of individual truths and alternative facts, the value of science is being challenged like never before. Here we will explore the fundamental premises of science, why they predispose science to dismissal and denial, how humans engage with facts, and how to improve science communication across ideological, cultural, and tribal divisions for the betterment of humanity and sake of the world.
2017 CMU Scientist in Residence | Dr. Katharine Hayhoe
Named to TIME magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the World list for 2014, Dr. Katharine Hayhoe is an atmospheric scientist who studies climate change, one of the most pressing issues facing humanity today. But Hayhoe may be best-known to many people because of how she's bridging the broad, deep gap between scientists and some Christians—work she does in part because she's a Christian herself.
Together with her husband Andrew Farley, a professor of applied linguistics, pastor of Church without Religion, and best-selling author, Hayhoe wrote A Climate for Change: Global Warming Facts for Faith-Based Decisions, a book that untangles the complex science and tackles many long-held misconceptions about global warming. Her work as a climate change evangelist has been featured on the Emmy award-winning documentary series "Years of Living Dangerously" and "The Secret Life of Scientists and Engineers."
Hayhoe is a professor at Texas Tech University, and the director of its Climate Science Center. She has a BSc in Physics from the University of Toronto and an MS and PhD in Atmospheric Science from the University of Illinois. Hayhoe is currently serving as lead author for the upcoming Fourth U.S. National Climate Assessment and producing her new PBS Digital Studios short series, Global Weirding: Climate, Politics and Religion (see the Global Weirding Facebook page for more on the series).
[ TEDx talk ] [ Bill Moyers: Climate Change Faith and Fact ] [ AAAS What We Know: ]
[ Dr. Hayhoe's Youtube channel ]
Dr. Hayhoe's Scientist in Residence Speaking Engagements
January 30 | Student Forum
11:30 AM, CMU Chapel (600 Shaftesbury Blvd.)
Science in a Post-Truth World: A Climate Scientist's Perspective
In public discourse today, opinions often overwhelm facts. Both science and faith, however, are based on immutable truths. The reality of God doesn't depend on whether we believe in Him or not—and if we step off a cliff, we're going down, regardless of our opinion on gravity.
How can we be "salt and light" in a world that rejects the existence of unchanging truth? Join Dr. Hayhoe as she shares from her experiences from the field of climate science.
January 31 | Chapel
11:30 AM, CMU Chapel (600 Shaftesbury Blvd.)
Listening to God's Creation: A Faith Story
When we listen to God's creation, what is it telling us?
Join Dr. Hayhoe as she shares what we know about our planet today, and reflects on a Christian response to the responsibility we've been given to care for it.
Genesis 1:26-28
God spoke: "Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, And, yes, Earth itself, and every animal that moves on the face of Earth." God created human beings; he created them godlike, Reflecting God's nature. He created them male and female. God blessed them: "Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge! Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air, for every living thing that moves on the face of Earth."
Galatians 5:13-14 and 22-23
It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you don't use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that's how freedom grows. For everything we know about God's Word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself. That's an act of true freedom.
But what happens when we live God's way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard—things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely. Legalism is helpless in bringing this about; it only gets in the way.
February 1 | Public Lecture
7:00 PM, Marpeck Commons (2299 Grant Ave.)
Talking Climate: Why Facts are Not Enough
Is climate really changing? Are humans responsible, or is this just a natural cycle like we've seen before? And even if it is warming, who cares—wouldn't we all prefer a little less snow?
Join Dr. Hayhoe as she discusses the compelling science behind a changing climate, describes the innovative solutions that are already being implemented today, and explores the importance of connecting our hearts to our heads when it comes to caring about the impacts of a changing climate on this planet and the people who live on it.
2016 CMU Scientist in Residence | Dr. Martin Entz
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Manitoba
Dr. Martin Entz is professor of Cropping Systems and Natural Systems Agriculture at the University of Manitoba. Entz studied at the University of Manitoba (BSc and MSc in horticulture) and the University of Saskatchewan (PhD in crop physiology), and has taken study leaves at Adelaide University and the University of Western Australia. He teaches courses in Crop Ecology and Organic Agriculture plus he has an active graduate student program. Entz leads the Glenlea study—Canada's oldest organic vs conventional farming systems experiment, now in its 25th year.
Together with his graduate students and collaborators, Entz has published his work in 102 peer-reviewed scientific papers and several book chapters.
Entz enjoys working with farmers and learning from their experiences. He participates in ecologically-integrated farming system research and development work in Central America, southern Africa, NW China, and has volunteered with MCC in North Korea.
Entz and his family enjoy—"Shady Maple Lane Shared Family Farm"—a place for growing, resting, reflection, and building community.
[ news release ]
Dr. Entz's Scientist in Residence Speaking Engagements
February 1 | Student Forum
11:30 AM, CMU Chapel (600 Shaftesbury Blvd.)
Journey Into Natural Systems Agriculture
Sir Albert Howard, Rachel Carsons, Wes Jackson, and many others argue that agriculture should take a different path, one based more closely on Nature's processes. Many research groups around the world have embraced the Natural Systems Agriculture research paradigm. Entz will share his story; his approach; what he has discovered; and how he and his research team are engaging farmers in the research process.
Because Nature's principles can be applied at all scales—from 5000 acre grain farms to urban permaculture gardens—everyone has a chance to participate. This highlights another benefit—bringing people together in community.
February 2 | Chapel
11:30 AM, CMU Chapel (600 Shaftesbury Blvd.)
Land as Gift: A Game Changer
When it comes to the ecological crisis we face, good guideposts are hard to find. Viewing the earth, the land, as a gift from the creator offers such as guide. Seeing the Land as a gift changes the emphasis from "smart resource management" to greater "wonder, humility, and inspiration." Seeing the Land as a gift changes the emphasis from "scarcity" to "abundance"—thereby offering hope to an increasingly worried world.
February 3 | Public Lecture
7:00 PM, Marpeck Commons (2299 Grant Ave.)
The Science of Sabbath: Meeting the Expectations of the Land
"In the seventh year, there shall be a Sabbath of complete rest for the land, a Sabbath for the Lord." As a scientist, Entz attempts to understand what Sabbath looks like in modern agriculture. What happens when we give up some control, when we allow the Land to be itself, when we allow it freedom from our inventiveness? Entz's scientific work shows that sometimes less is indeed more. Serving the garden to release its own potential offers practical solutions that address both the food and the ecological crises.
Entz will reflect on over 25 years of natural systems agricultural research and highlight biblical themes of stewardship to suggest a shift in emphasis from smart resource management to wonder, humility, and inspiration.
2015 CMU Scientist in Residence | Dr. Henry Janzen
Janzen was at CMU February 2-6, 2015 to share his insights, observations, experience, and personal reflections in a number of speaking events open to the public.
Dr. Henry Janzen is a research scientist in soil biochemistry at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada research centre in Lethbridge, Alberta. He studies how farming and other human practices affect prairie ecosystems, with emphasis on the carbon and nitrogen flows within them. This research led him to participate also in international studies of global change, including work on reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In recent years, his interests have expanded to explore also other socio-ecological issues, such as growing more food, preserving biodiversity, conserving soils, using energy wisely, seeking beauty, and fostering social harmony. All these aims are interwoven, best studied by seeing land as ecosystems that house and nourish us, along with other biota. Janzen and his wife, Sandra, are embedded in a little farm, an ecosystem itself evolving by human hand and the creativity of time.
Dr. Janzen's Scientist in Residence Speaking Engagements
February 2 | Student Forum
Footprints on a Greening Planet
​We face many troubles on a rapidly-transforming planet: we worry about climate change, food security, biodiversity loss, energy shortfall, fouling of air and water, and relentless disharmony among ourselves. All of these are intertwined and interwoven; all are symptoms of our growing numbers and expanding demands on a full and finite planet; all demand new ways of living on land—the ground below, the sky above, the urban trees about, the hidden creatures within. Wherever we may live, our lands (ecosystems) sustain us in ways we do not always see. How can we live more gently, more creatively on the land of our grandchildren? How can people of faith foster hope in these troubled times?
February 3 | Chapel
Faith Story–How Can I Know the Way?
Drawing from John 14:5*, Dr. Janzen will offer a few glimpses from his own faith story, focusing on the anguished exhilaration of seeking clarity from the muddiness of admitted ignorance (both in science and in matters of the spirit).
*Thomas said to him, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?"
February 4 | Public Lecture
Following Carbon Flows Through Life and Times
Carbon atoms flit ceaselessly through our lands and lives, conveying the sun's sustaining energy in endless cycles between air and life and back to air again. These silent streams of carbon, propelled by sun, thus connect all species in a planet-wide continuum: carbon atoms released to air from decaying garden compost may be wafted far afield to be captured by a tropical tree and reappear in your neighbour's banana.
People have always depended on these carbon flows, but as our numbers and wants have multiplied, we have been meddling more and more with the natural carbon cycles, by despoiling our lands and burning of fossil fuels. Symptoms of our use and misuse of carbon are reflected now in global worries about climate, hunger, extinction of species, energy, and societal conflict. These stresses will not be resolved by science alone; they demand also our learning to live more wisely and creatively within Earth's carbon cycle.
Janzen, therefore, aims to describe the story of carbon flowing through nature and society, and then to explore some questions that emerge: questions relevant to all of us, enfolding interwoven strands of science, of ethics, of wonder—and ultimately—of hope.
February 5 | Panel Discussion
Germinating Conversations—What Would a Scientist Bring to a Potluck?
The Germinating Conversations process brings together people from urban and rural locations to discuss faith, food, farming, and land from a range of perspectives. This event responds to a recurring theme in those conversations—what does science have to say about what we should eat and what sustainable agriculture might look like. Janzen will be joined by a panel of scientists to address these questions of health and sustainability.