Keyword: Marnie Klassen
Sunday@CMU: May 2022
Theme: "Who do I say that I am?" Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John
As we enter the spring/summer semester, we are looking back on this year of Sunday@CMU. This month, we are rebroadcasting a series of meditations by Marnie Klassen, a CMU alumna who graduated with an interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Theology. Throughout this series, Marnie explores what we can learn about Jesus from his many I AM statements in the Gospel of John.
Sunday@CMU: October 2021
Theme: "Who do I say that I am?" Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John
This month on Sunday@CMU, we are hearing from Marnie Klassen. She is a CMU alumna who graduated in 2021 with an interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Theology. Throughout this series of meditations, Marnie explores what we can learn about Jesus from his many I AM statements in the Gospel of John.
Face2Face | Us and Them: How did we become so polarized? (video)
Increasingly, public discourse is characterized by divisions between people and groups who see and understand the world differently. It is common for us to witness polarized speech played out in political spheres, in cultural 'us and them' assumptions, in urban-rural divides, and in the life of the church. This dynamic exerts a powerful effect on many of us, whatever our political or theological stripe. Building relationships of meaning and trust amongst people who see our world through vastly different lenses feels increasingly rare.
CMU professor and student receive awards from Mennonite Brethren Historical Commission
Earlier this summer, the Mennonite Brethren (MB) Historical Commission awarded CMU professor Dr. Christine Longhurst and CMU student Marnie Klassen a grant and scholarship, respectively.
Longhurst, Assistant Professor of Music and Worship, received an MB Studies Project Grant for the second phase of her research project exploring how worship in Canadian MB churches has changed over the last 40 years, specifically focusing on worship music and the shift from a traditional to a more contemporary style.
Tuition Freedom Day 2018 (video)
CMU students say thank you on Tuition Freedom Day, the day that marks the point where students' education is no longer funded by their tuition, but by the generosity of donors and government.
Below third year student Marnie Klassen speaks of her CMU experience and expresses her gratitude, on behalf of all CMU students, to all who support education at CMU.