Keyword: Andrew Dyck
Announcing the P.M. Friesen Chair in Biblical and Theological Studies
Edwin and Agnes Redekopp of Winnipeg have gifted CMU with a $2,000,000 endowment, to create the P.M. Friesen Chair in Biblical and Theological Studies (BTS).
The Edwin and Agnes Redekopp Endowment Fund will support permanent financing for a position at CMU that ensures the ongoing strength of BTS excellence in teaching, research, and service—particularly in ways that provide service to the Mennonite Brethren (MB) church tradition and draw on its witness.
Retreat hosts students exploring a future in ministry
In the midst of CMU's winter semester, 15 students and several faculty and staff members gathered at Camp Assiniboia near Headingley, MB for the ministry inquiry retreat. Amidst times of worship, prayer, and individual silent reflection, students had the chance to hear from each other and from experienced pastors and leaders in ministry. They ate together, spent time outside at the camp, and closed the weekend by sharing communion.
High school teacher partners with CMU faculty on project
High school teacher Ramon Rempel has assigned his Bible class at Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute a unique assignment—to critically evaluate and engage the 119-year-old Mennonite Brethren (MB) Confession of faith.
The confession, first adopted by North American Mennonite settlers from Russia in 1902, has been revised and rewritten numerous times (as recently as 1999) and consists of 18 articles in total, all of which range topically from the nature of God and evil to marriage, baptism, and nonresistance. Lately, another revision has been proposed within the Canadian MB Conference to revise article eight ("Christian Baptism"). Delegates from MB churches will decide on the proposal this June 2021.
CMU remembers the legacy of Menno Wiebe
After years of health struggles, Menno Wiebe died on January 5 at the age of 88 surrounded by family and loved ones. Wiebe, a family man, anthropologist, justice advocate, poet, gardener, and founder of what is now called Indigenous-Settlers Relations, was an important figure in the history of the CMU community.
Remembering the legacy of former CMBC President John H. Neufeld
On January 11, John H. Neufeld, former President and Associate Professor of Practical Theology at CMBC (from 1984-1997), passed away after many years of battling a series of severe health crises. Being the last long-term president before CMU became a university, Neufeld's presence and passion was a formative force that helped prepare the way for furthering the quality of education in what is now the CMU community.
Ministry Quest, In Review: students and leaders reflect on biennial vocation discernment retreat
"I was grateful to spend time with a group of young adults who care so deeply about the church; it was a great encouragement to me!" – Kathy McCamis
Late last month, 12 students joined five leaders from CMU and the wider church for a weekend apart from daily routines. They gathered at St. Benedict's Monastery near Winnipeg to share stories, seek God's voice, and encourage one another in a time of focussed vocational discernment.
Sunday@CMU: December 2017
Sunday@CMU is a 15-minute radio program that features biblical meditations from current and emeritus professors, music from CMU ensembles and choirs, and interviews with faculty, staff, students, and alumni.
Host and Producer: Aaron Epp, Alumni Writer & Social Media Coordinator
Sunday@CMU: September 2017
Sunday@CMU is a 15-minute radio program that features biblical meditations from current and emeritus professors, music from CMU ensembles and choirs, and interviews with faculty, staff, students, and alumni.
Host and Producer: Aaron Epp, Alumni Writer & Social Media Coordinator
Ministry workers invited to conference at CMU that will focus on becoming global
"Becoming global congregations” is the focus of an upcoming conference for those in ministry that will be held at Canadian Mennonite University.
ReNew: Resourcing Pastors for Ministry takes place Monday, February 6 to Wednesday, February 8 at CMU (500 Shaftesbury Blvd.). The three-day event will feature stimulating Bible studies, inspiring worship, powerful stories, and enriching fellowship.