Keyword: Prodigal Son

Sunday@CMU: August 2022

Theme: The Parables of the Prodigal Son

During the spring and summer, we are looking back on this year of Sunday@CMU. This month, we are rebroadcasting meditations by Aaron Thiessen, CMU alumnus and Pastor for Youth and Young Adults at River East Church in Winnipeg, MB. Throughout this series, Aaron examines the parable of the Prodigal Son from a different interpretation each week, allowing it to shake our expectations and see from a new perspective.

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Sunday@CMU: February 2022

Theme: The Parables of the Prodigal Son

This month on Sunday@CMU, we're hearing from Aaron Thiessen, CMU alumnus and Pastor for Youth and Young Adults at River East Church in Winnipeg, MB. In this series of meditations, Aaron examines the parable of the Prodigal Son from a different interpretation each week, allowing it to shake our expectations and see from a new perspective.

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