Keyword: Lecture
2024 John and Margaret Friesen Lectures - Revisiting the Mennonite Experience in Ukraine (2 videos)
The 2024 Friesen Lectures are unified by a geographical context and dedicated to understanding the history of Mennonite communities in Ukraine. Addressing diverse themes from distant historical periods, Ukrainian professor Dr. Nataliya Venger provides listeners with the opportunity to immerse themselves once again in the unique world of Mennonite history in both a remote and more immediate historical perspective.
CMU welcomes Dr. Allyson Menzies as the 2024 Scientist in Residence
What is responsible environmental monitoring? How do STEM research and curricula unitingly participate in colonial practices that further degrade the spaces they seek to protect?
How can we dignify the past as we look to care for the future?
Ways of Knowing 1 - CMU Community Lecture Series | Christy Anderson (video)
Indigenous Worldviews: Being a Good Relative, Living Mino-Bimaadiziwin (a Good Life)
with Christy Anderson, Director of Indigenous Research at University of Manitoba
2023 J.J. Thiessen Lecture with Dr. Willie James Jennings (video)
with Dr. Willie James Jennings
Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and Africana Studies, Yale Divinity School
Recorded October 27, 2023
Ways of Knowing 1 - CMU Community Lecture Series | Dr. Paul Dyck (video)
Humanity's Poetic Vocation
with Dr. Paul Dyck, Professor of English
Acclaimed Yale professor to speak at CMU lecture and symposium
Renowned scholar and theologian Dr. Willie James Jennings is in high demand across North America. On his schedule this month is a trip to Canadian Mennonite University (CMU), where he'll be delivering the 2023 J.J. Thiessen Lecture.
Ways of Knowing 1 - CMU Community Lecture Series | Dr. Sunder John Boopalan (video)
Theological Interventions Amidst Forces of Death
with Dr. Sunder John Boopalan, Department of Biblical and Theological Studies
2023 John and Margaret Friesen Lectures with Dr. Dr. Gary K. Waite (videos)
These interconnected lectures foreground the neglected role played by Dutch Mennonites in the development of new ideas in theology, scripture interpretation, social and religious organization, the promotion of religious toleration, and in technology, science, and philosophy.
Lectures reveal Mennonite contributions to Dutch society in 16th-17th centuries
Dr. Gary K. Waite will be challenging stereotypes of Mennonites throughout history at the 2023 John and Margaret Friesen Lectures at Canadian Mennonite University (CMU).
Waite is Professor Emeritus in the Department of History at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. He will give two lectures addressing "The Neglected Role of Dutch Mennonite Innovators in the Scientific Revolution and Early Enlightenment" on Thursday, March 9.
2023 Scientist in Residence Presentations with Dr. Francis Su (Videos)
Dr. Francis Su is the Benediktsson-Karwa Professor of Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College and former president of the Mathematical Association of America. In 2013, he received the Haimo Award, a nationwide teaching prize for college math faculty, and in 2018 he won the Halmos-Ford writing award. His research in geometric combinatorics includes many papers co-authored with undergraduates.