
Learning From the Field | Public Lecture with Jane Rabinowicz (video)

farmer-led solutions for food sovereignty, climate resilience and sustainability of small scale agriculture

Jane Rabinowicz, Executive Director of USC Canada, was named to the Global and Mail's 53 most influential people in Canadian food for her seed security work in Canada in 2016. And in 2017, she was profiled by CBC as part of a six-part documentary series called "WE ARE CANADA," that celebrates the next generation of passionate Canadian change-makers.

Rabinowicz works with USC Canada promoting vibrant family farms, strong rural communities, and healthy ecosystems around the world. With engaged Canadians and partners in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, USC Canada supports programs, training, and policies that strengthen biodiversity, food sovereignty, and the rights of those at the heart of resilient food systems—women, indigenous peoples, and small-scale farmers.

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