News Releases
Fall 2022 return to campus
Planning for in-person classes and campus life this fall
CMU is excited to welcome new and returning students this September. All forms of education and campus life at CMU will take place in person throughout the 2022/23 academic year.
Fall 2022 COVID-19 Protocols
Masks – encouraged, but not required at this time
CMU encourages mask wearing for those who feel it is appropriate but will not require masks to be worn on-campus. Please be hospitable and considerate of those around you.
Illness – please stay home if you are sick
If you start to develop COVID-19 like symptoms you should take the Shared Health Manitoba screening tool to determine whether your symptoms may indicate COVID and if you should isolate.
- Then, take a rapid test. Rapid tests are available in local pharmacies and can be located here: Province of Manitoba | Find a Testing Location (
- If you live on-campus rapid tests are located in each residence building. Please check the Residence Team page for more information.
If you have symptoms that may indicate COVID-19 but a negative rapid test, stay home; you may return to campus when you have been symptom free for 24 hours.
If you have COVID-19 symptoms and a positive rapid test, isolate for a minimum of five days.
If you test positive but do not have any symptoms, isolate for five days after your first positive test date. The day you test positive is considered day zero (0).
If you begin to develop symptoms within 10 days after you first tested positive, your five-day isolation period restarts on the day your symptoms began.
Once you've completed your (minimum five-day) isolation period:
- You may return to campus if you have been symptom free for the preceding 24 hours. Wear a well-fitting mask for an additional five days.
- You may have a cough or loss of taste or smell for longer than your isolation period, but these are not symptoms that require continuing isolation past the original five days.
- You may also test positive on a rapid test for longer than your isolation period, but this does not require continuing isolation past the original five days.
If your symptoms worsen you should contact Health Links - Info Santé at 204.788.8200 or 1.888.315.9257.
If you live on campus and develop COVID-19 like symptoms begin to isolate in your dorm/apartment immediately. Please see the Residence Team page for specific information about isolation on-campus.
Reporting – Please let us know
If you test positive for COVID-19, please do not come to campus, stay home until you have recovered and completed the recommended isolation time. Contact your instructors to make arrangements for your absence. Students are asked, but are not required, to inform CMU if they test positive. Charlie Peronto will provide supports and resources to students if they test positive. Contact Charlie Peronto at cperonto
Vaccines – Encouraged
CMU encourages all members of the learning community to continue to receive the recommended COVID-19 and seasonal flu vaccines. These vaccines are safe and effective. CMU will provide on-campus vaccine clinics to help facilitate up-to-date immunizations.
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to the health, safety, and wellbeing of all during the 2022 fall term.