News Releases
Local artists featured in new MHC Gallery exhibitions

Two new exhibitions open at the MHC Gallery on Friday, March 16 at 7:00 PM. The exhibitions will run from March 16-May 5.
Faye Hall (main level)
Winnipeg artist Faye Hall has taken Malcolm Guite's poetic sequence Seven Whole Days and turned it into a sumptuous visual celebration of God's good creation. The two artists combined their talents in an art book called Seven Whole Days. Guite's sequence of seven poems celebrates each day of creation and finally the Sabbath day of rest. Hall has taken the poems and re-imagined them line by line in a series of beautiful meditations on how God's glory shines out in the world. Each mixed media painting incorporates Guite's handwriting.
Book signing event, Sunday, April 15, 7:00 PM at the Gallery with Faye Hall and Malcolm Guite; includes readings by Guite.
Ayodeji Malcolm Guite is an English poet, singer-songwriter, Anglican priest, and academic. He is currently a Bye-Fellow and chaplain of Girton College, Cambridge and associate chaplain of St Edward King and Martyr in Cambridge.
Anthony Chiarella (upper level)
It seems to me that language functions as a tool in two basic ways: the Literal and the Figurative. As a literal tool, language is utilitarian and communicates what something is, or how something is to be done. As important as the literal-utilitarian function of language is to our daily living, it is not enough. So, over the millennia, we have invented figurative language, that is, the poetical.
Our need to express what is more-than-literal, the figurative, the poetical, the spiritually transcendent, is irresistible. We enter into poetical communication with each other because we long for our lives to mean so much more than the utility of well-functioning bodies. It is by way of the creative genius expressed through our many different language tools that we can enter into poetical conversation with the Divine. Anthony Chiarella
Artists' Talk, Thursday, April 19, 7:00 PM: Visualizing Christianity: Mennonite & Catholic Art in a Secular Age. Anthony Chiarella and Ray Dirks discuss how they speak their faith, "making Christ known," through their art from Catholic and Mennonite perspectives.
Anthony Chiarella has created artworks in various media for several Catholic churches. This exhibit includes both his religiously themed work and art based on travels and other interests.
For more information, please contact:
Ray Dirks
MHC Gallery
600 Shaftesbury Blvd.
204.487.3300, ext 346
MHCGallery | a gallery of Canadian Mennonite University